Interview Do’s and Don’ts



  1. Dress appropriately. Extremes in fashion or very casual clothes should be avoided. Look neat and clean. (Wear Formals)
  1. Be punctual. Make sure that you are 10 minutes early. Do greet the employer when you are meeting him or her. (Hello /Good Morning/ Afternoon/ Evening).
  2. Express yourself and your views in the language you are most comfortable in.
  3. Carry a hardcopy of your resume with passport size photo with all relevant documents so you can refer to them if necessary.
  4. Listen carefully to the questions and answer clearly and thoughtfully.
  5. Make eye-contact. Remember to talk to the person (not the top right-hand corner of the room or at their shoes).
  1. Communicate- if you have any doubt, please ask questions to the interviewer. Selection is a two-way process. They select you, but you also select them.
  2. Show enthusiasm for the company and the position.
  3. Be Confident. Remember that you applied for the position because you thought that you could do it.
  1. Offer a firm handshake – don’t cause a fracture
  2. Make sure that you always present your skills in a positive light. Even when describing your weaknesses you should always show them what you are doing to rectify it.
  3. Do Smile.
  4. Do let the interviewer set the pace of the interview. Let him or her lead with the question
  5. Do let the interviewer decide when the interview is over.
  6. Do get a good night sleep before day the day of the interview, adequate sleep is necessary.
  7. Sit Upright in a correct posture/Be Confident/Motivated.
  8. Make sure that you have an idea about where you want to be in the future and can relate the future goals to your application for the present position
  9. Please do research for the company before going for the interview.
  10. Do highlight what benefits you can bring to the company.
  11. Do end the interview with a “ Thank You” Note
  1. Don’t arrive late, sweaty and flustered – this will end the interview before it begins.
  2. Avoid sweaty palms.
  3. Don’t fiddle or play with your hair.
  4. Don’t make derogatory remarks about past or present employers.
  5. Don’t yawn, stare out the window or pick your nose.
  6. Don’t give one word answer, communicate properly.
  7. Don’t show nervousness juggle your feet, crack your knuckles, drum your fingers
  8. Don’t go into the interview without adequate preparations.
  9. Don’t bring up controversial subjects
  10. Don’t Lie. If you have to lie about what you are like or your abilities in order to obtain the job, you are likely to find yourself in a position that you don’t really like and probably one in which you will have problems fulfilling successfully.
  11. Don’t apply too much perfume or aftershave. Avoid being “Smelly”
  12. Don’t plead with question like “Can I Have the Job?” “Will I get the JOB?”
  13. Don’t talk about salary, holidays or bonuses unless the recruiter brings them up.
  14. Don’t sit there like a statue. If you feel more comfortable talking with the aid of your hands for emphasis, then use them, but try not to be too excessive in your gestures.
  15. Don’t leave your mobile phone on. (Put it in silent mode)
  16. Don’t interrupt the interviewer before they have finished asking you a question and never finish their sentences for them.
  17. Don’t call immediately after the interview to find out if you got the job, or make repeated phone calls.
  18. Don’t be afraid to ask for any clarification if you don’t understand a question.